What is your cancelation policy?

All orders canceled after 48 hours are subject to a 10% cancellation fee, whether or not your order has shipped.  If your order has shipped, you (the buyer) will also be responsible for actual return shipping charges. Refunds will only be issued to the original credit card that you use when placing your order.


What is your return policy?

For further information, please read our product pages - Under Refund Policy. Our
return policies frequently differ depending on the goods you want to buy. If
you have any issues, please contact us by phone or email, for additional information. 


How will my order be fulfilled?

As soon as you place your order, you will receive an order confirmation email. This means that we have received your order in our system and pre-authorized your credit card for the purchase.  As soon as we receive your order, we automatically reach out to our suppliers to confirm that it is in stock and available for immediate shipment.  If your item is on backorder or unavailable, we will void the pre-authorization and reach out to you via email.  If your item(s) are available for immediate shipment (within 5 business days), we will process the charges and submit the order for shipment.


When will my order ship?

You can be reassured that your order will be processed the next business day and shipped as quickly as possible. This will vary depending on the product and provider, so check the product pages for more exact estimations. If you have not received your shipment within this time frame or would like to know the status of your shipment, feel free to email us at hello@pets-afamilyownedpetstore.com


Do you offer free shipping?

Shipping is free for all products shown on the website, assuming they are dispatched via conventional delivery methods. If you need expedited shipment, please contact a member of our team and we will gladly accept your order at the increased shipping fee. If any products have additional shipping costs, these will be listed at the time of purchase.


What if there is damage on my item(s)?

Please inspect the packaging of your item(s) when they arrive, if you notice any damage you should make note of it when signing for delivery.  If your item(s) do arrive damaged, please send photos to hello@pets-afamilyownedpetstore.com and we will process an insurance claim on your behalf.


Where are you shipping from?

Our products are sent from a variety of locations throughout the United States. Please read our product pages for the shipping time and estimated delivery time for each product. As soon as it becomes available, you will be given a tracking number.


Do I get an order confirmation?

For each order you complete, an order confirmation message will be sent to the e-mail address you provide. For your records, we recommend that you print and save the e-mail confirmation. Please double-check your e-mail address to ensure that you receive your order confirmation.


Is it possible to send to a P.O. Box or an APO address?

Due to the size of our items, we are unable to ship to P.O. Boxes or APO locations at this time. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.